Building leading
companies Building leading
companies Building leading

Building leading

Discover our 5 future oriented and sector focused investment platforms

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Capital Markets Day - picture hand
Capital Increase 2025 Capital Increase 2025 Capital Increase 2025

Capital Increase 2025

Our focus is on the companies and the building process to grow them. Growth is our DNA

Koen Dejonckheere, CEO

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Gimv is a European investment company, listed on Euronext Brussels. 

As a recognized market leader, we partner with entrepreneurial and innovative companies in 5 forward-looking investment areas. We currently manage a portfolio of around 60 companies with a combined turnover of EUR 4.0 billion and more than 20,000 employees.

For over 40 years, Gimv has been investing in innovation and entrepreneurship. Our flexible approach is based on a solid balance sheet, patient capital and a long-term view. Gimv is fully committed to sustainable value creation through successful joining of forces of entrepreneurial, ambitious and talented management teams with our driven, skilled and networked investment teams.

5 forward-looking investment platforms 5 forward-looking investment platforms 5 forward-looking investment platforms

5 forward-looking investment platforms

Based on societal issues such as digitalisation & automation, electrification & energy efficiency, sustainable food & wellbeing and healthcare, Gimv is active in five forward-looking and strategic investment platforms. From this specialized sector vision, we join forces with the management teams of innovative and promising companies and fully commit to sustainable growth and value creation to build leading companies together.

Gimv at the wheel
Key figures Key figures Key figures

Key figures

1.7 billion

euros portfolio value

+/- 60

portfolio companies

4.0 billion

euros turnover by portfolio companies


professionals working in portfolio companies
Investment criteria Investment criteria Investment criteria

Investment criteria

Ambitious and innovative companies with a solid market position and strong growth potential.
Small to medium-sized companies with capital requirements of up to EUR 150 million.
Companies headquartered in the Benelux region, France or DACH countries.
Companies with strong management and a clear corporate vision of social added value.
Our portfolio Our portfolio Our portfolio

Our portfolio

Medtech company developing implants for spinal surgery

Independent European ICT service provider

Service provider in incontinence care

Facility management and technical building services

Supplier of high-tech and high-quality communication systems for specific markets

Outpatient rehabilitation service provider

Digital education platform

High quality services for energy, water and data

Developer and producer of electronic and mechatronic products and systems

Production of gates & fencing and provider of fencing solutions

Gimv general team 1
An active shareholder with engaged, specialised and experienced investment teams An active shareholder with engaged, specialised and experienced investment teams An active shareholder with engaged, specialised and experienced investment teams

An active shareholder with engaged, specialised and experienced investment teams

A flexible partner with a solid balance sheet A flexible partner with a solid balance sheet A flexible partner with a solid balance sheet

A flexible partner with a solid balance sheet

Gimv looking ahead
With continuous attention to sustainability With continuous attention to sustainability With continuous attention to sustainability

With continuous attention to sustainability

Gimv team Gimv team Gimv team

Gimv team

Building leading companies asks for a team of smart, diverse, driven and committed people who challenge themselves and each other in a constructive way. 

Our people have strong ethics, a positive and collaborative working spirit. They like to take responsibility and initiative, and are keen to learn and develop. 

Gimv team meeting