Met de overname van Control Mechatronics breidt E.GRUPPE haar dienstenaanbod uit en zet haar groeipad voort. Met de overname van Control Mechatronics breidt E.GRUPPE haar dienstenaanbod uit en zet haar groeipad voort. Met de overname van Control Mechatronics breidt E.GRUPPE haar dienstenaanbod uit en zet haar groeipad voort.

Met de overname van Control Mechatronics breidt E.GRUPPE haar dienstenaanbod uit en zet haar groeipad voort.


Gimv portfolio company E.GRUPPE, which already includes Klotter Elektrotechnik GmbH, has acquired Control Mechatronics GmbH in Nidderau near Frankfurt/Rhein-Main, Germany. This acquisition will allow E.GRUPPE to expand its product range in industrial electrical process measurement and control technology as well as in project planning and engineering of industrial process automation. Control Mechatronics’ shareholders and founders Michael Kopf, Peter Gareis, Roland Lauk and Axel Hoch will become shareholder of E.GRUPPE as part of the transaction. In addition, Michael Kopf and Axel Hoch will support the group on its growth journey in a consultative role. 

E.GRUPPE’s goal is to become a full-service provider in all electrical engineering fields in order to offer customers a holistic and future-oriented solutions portfolio from a single source. In 2021, the European investment company Gimv took a majority stake in Klotter Elektrotechnik GmbH, which was established in 1997 ( E.GRUPPE emerged from this partnership  with entrepreneur and founder Werner Klotter. In addition to the existing business in the area of production of customized transformer stations, electrical distribution and control boards, as well as building technology, Control Mechatronics is particularly strengthening the area of automation solutions for industrial processes, including automation projects for safety-relevant and certificate-related automation services, such as those used in nuclear power plants or for the production of control units in the medical field of proton therapy. Control Mechatronics is present at three sites: its main location in Nidderau and branches in Lörrach and Ravensburg. 

* Dit persbericht is enkel in het Engels en Duits beschikbaar.