An Vermeersch°
An Vermeersch has 25 years' experience in the Pharma and Healthcare sector. She started her career at GSK in 1995, before joining McKinsey & Company, Inc as a consultant in 2000. In 2008 she returned to GSK Vaccines where she held senior management and world-wide positions in Research & Development, Strategy & Transformation and Governmental & Public Affairs. Since October 2019, An has headed up the new integrated Global Health department of GSK Vaccines as Vice President, Head of Global Health Vaccines.
An Vermeersch graduated as a Bio-Engineer in Microbiology and Biochemistry at the University of Ghent and obtained a Master in Business Administration at the Vlerick Business School.
An Vermeersch has been a member of Gimv's board of directors since June 2017.
*acting on behalf of eMajor BV

Gimv Antwerpen
2018 Antwerpen
MWST : BE 0220.324.117