Bram Vanparys* Bram Vanparys* Bram Vanparys*

Bram Vanparys*

Managing Partner - Head Life Sciences


Bram Vanparys joined Gimv in 2018.

Bram has over 14 years of international venture capital experience, most recently at Merck Ventures in Amsterdam.

Bram has a successful track record in Life Science investing and was instrumental in the formation, financing and/or exit of several start-ups across Europe and Israel, including arGEN-X (ARGX:EBR), Multiplicom (acquired by Agilent), Cartagenia (acquired by Agilent), Q-Biologicals (acquired by Amatsigroup, now Eurofins), Calypso Biotech and iOmx.

Today, Bram acts as a board member for portfolio companies ImCheck Therapeutics (France), iSTAR Medical (Belgium), Kinaset Therapeutics (US) and Topas Therapeutics  (Germany).

Bram is trained as a PhD in biotechnology (University of Ghent, Belgium) and has an executive MBA from Vlerick Business School (Belgium).

* acting on behalf of Root bv

Portret Bram Vanparys

Gimv Antwerpen

Karel Oomsstraat 37
2018 Antwerpen

MWST : BE 0220.324.117