Dirk Jonkman Dirk Jonkman Dirk Jonkman

Dirk Jonkman



Dirk Jonkman joined Gimv in July 2018 as a multi-platform analyst and has been working with Gimv Smart Industries in The Hague since 2019. He is involved in the investments in Arplas, AME, ALT, Witec, Variass and Televic.

Prior to this he gained experience at NIBC where he worked as an analyst in the M&A department. He previously worked at Gimv as an intern in 2015.

Dirk holds a Master's degree in Financial Engineering from the University of Twente (the Netherlands).

Portret Dirk Jonkman

Gimv Den Haag

WTC The Hague
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 87
2595 BR Den Haag