Strong results confirm strategy of value creation through growth Strong results confirm strategy of value creation through growth Strong results confirm strategy of value creation through growth

Strong results confirm strategy of value creation through growth

  • The positive growth of our companies and value creation via exits lead to strong portfolio return of 13.3% in the first half of the year
  • Sustained growth of portfolio to more than EUR 1.6 billion
  • Net profit of more than EUR 150 million increases the equity value per share to EUR 51.3

CEO Koen Dejonckheere:

“The first half of the current financial year proves the success of our strategy of value creation through growth. After a cautious recovery in the second half of the previous year, our companies again realize a strong growth in the first half of 2023. They clearly are fulfilling their role as the leaders and innovators of our economy. Thanks to decreasing input prices, our companies have succeeded in recording double-digit growth in profitability. Moreover, Gimv has also achieved significant capital gains via exits in challenging market conditions. As a result, we are reaping the benefits of a successful execution of our growth strategy.

The strong portfolio result has produced a significant net profit, leading to an increase in Gimv’s equity to over EUR 51 per share.”