Report of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting - General Meeting approves gross dividend of EUR 2.50 per share
Today Gimv held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). 37.73% of the shares were represented (9 594 203 shares). The AGM approved the gross dividend (coupon no. 24) of EUR 2.50 per share (EUR 1.75 net).
Gimv realised a net profit (part of group) of EUR 131.9 million in financial year 2016-2017 (EUR 5.19 per share). Today, the AGM accepted the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a gross dividend of EUR 2.50 (EUR 1.75 net) per share. This corresponds to a gross dividend yield of 4.8% on the closing price of the Gimv-share on 31 March 2017.
This dividend will be payable on 5 July 2017. As principal paying agent for the payment of the dividend for the financial year 2016-2017 has been appointed: KBC Bank, Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels.
The financial statements for financial year 2016-2017 have been approved. The AGM also granted discharge to the directors and to the statutory auditor in respect of the exercise of their duties under their term of office that ended on 31 March 2017.
The AGM approved the reappointment of Mr Koen Dejonckheere as Managing Director. In addition, the AGM confirmed the cooptation of Ms Manon Janssen as an independent director of the Company. She also appointed Ms An Vermeersch as an independent director of the Company in succession of Ms Christ'l Joris.