Business Update - First nine months of the 2017/2018 financial year
As well as publishing half-yearly and annual results, Gimv has opted to provide quarterly business updates without publishing full results.
The figures given below cover the period from 1 April 2017 to 31 December 2017. All figures refer to the consolidated figures of Gimv (non-audited figures).
Managing Director, Koen Dejonckheere, on the past quarter: "The intensive investment and divestment activities continued in recent months. Realised capital gains on exits and the sustained value creation processes at our portfolio companies again resulted in a strong portfolio return and further growth in equity. This confirmed the positive trend of the first semester."
NAV Update
In the third quarter, the value of equity increased from EUR 48.5 to EUR 49.5 per share as at 31 December 2017.
Investments and divestments in the third quarter
Total investments (on balance sheet) for the first nine months amounted to EUR 132.5 million (EUR 54.9 million in the third quarter).
Total divestment (on balance sheet) for the first nine months amounted to EUR 283.6 million (EUR 196.6 million in the third quarter).