Net zero pathway at Projective Group Net zero pathway at Projective Group Net zero pathway at Projective Group
Net zero pathway at Projective Group
Find out more in the video below.
Investment details
BelgiumProjective Group has reached a level where further international expansion through acquisitions can turbocharge our group’s growth. With its 40 years of experience, Gimv is the perfect partner in this adventure.
Stefan Dierckx
Partnership Gimv Partnership Gimv Partnership Gimv
Partnership Gimv
Together with Gimv, Projective Group is accelerating its international growth and broadening its areas of expertise through a combination of internal growth and an active buy-and-build strategy. Since Gimv’s investment in 2021, Projective Group has already realised multiple strategic acquisitions in several countries, establishing a strong European financial services industry specialist with more than 1,000 talented professionals.
Deal Team
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