Koen Dejonckheere Koen Dejonckheere Koen Dejonckheere

Koen Dejonckheere

Chief Executive Officer


Koen Dejonckheere was appointed CEO of Gimv in 2008. Previously, he was managing director at KBC Securities. Prior to that, Koen Dejonckheere was active in both Corporate Finance and Private Equity.

Koen Dejonckheere graduated in civil engineering at Ghent University and has an MBA from IEFSI-EDHEC in Lille (France).

In addition to his position as CEO, he has also been a member of the board of directors of Gimv since 2008.

Portret Koen Dejonckheere

Gimv Antwerp

Karel Oomsstraat 37
2018 Antwerp

VAT N°: BE 0220.324.117