Hilde Laga succeeds Urbain Vandeurzen as chairwoman - Board of Directors Gimv confirms the succession of Urbain Vandeurzen by Hilde Laga at the financial year end (31 March 2016)
On 24 January Gimv’s chairman Mr. Urbain Vandeurzen announced his resignation as chairman at the latest on the occasion of the next annual shareholders’ meeting of 29 June.
In consultation with its chairman the board of directors has chosen to decide swiftly on the succession of its chairman and has agreed with the proposal of the Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij (VPM) to elect Mrs. Hilde Laga as its chairwoman as from 1 April. In accordance with the articles of association of Gimv the chairman of the board of directors has to be chosen out of the directors that were nominated by (a company controlled by) the Flemish government (in casu VPM) as long as it holds more than 25 percent of the shares.
Mr. Urbain Vandeurzen remains chairman until the end of the current financial year (31 March) as from when Mrs. Hilde Laga will take over. The leaving chairman and the board of directors wish her all the best.
The board of directors thanks Mr. Urbain Vandeurzen for his commitment as chairman of the board of directors since 2011 and for instrumenting the strategic reorientation of Gimv during his chairmanship.